Pidato B. Inggris (English Speech) tentang Kebersihan Lingkungan Sekolah - Creating the Clean Environment in Madrasah

by - Oktober 23, 2018


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Your excellences all the juries council
Your excellences master of ceremony
Your excellences all audiences

First of all, let’s thank to Allah SWT. who has given us blessing and mercy, so we can come and gather in this place in a good condition.

Second of all, may salution and peace be given to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, the last messenger of Allah SWT, who has guided us from the darkness and   stupidity to the brightness, from jahiliyah to Islamiyyah.

Third of all, I won’t forget to say thanks to the master of ceremony who has given me a chance to deliver speech in this moment.

Ladies and gentleman …

In this opportunity, I’d like to present a speech about “Creating the Clean Environment in Madrasah“

We often notice slogans in various places, especially in schools including “keep cleanliness” which invites us to keep the environment clean. But the slogan is always ignored, the function of it just like any other ordinary slogans, is mere decoration without any action. Without denying the importance of the slogans that remind us about the cleanliness of our environment, it’s a big question for us ... Have we realized wholeheartedly about the importance of the cleanliness of our environment?

Currently, the awareness to keep the cleanliness of the environment is very sadden ...  very distressing, especially in the most of Islamic education institution. We are so indifferent to the condition of our environment. That can be seen from our school environment which is still polluted with a lot of trash ... it becomes our daily view. Without thinking twice, the students throw the trash carelessly averywhere. 

Then, who is responsible for these all? Keeping the cleanliness of our school environment is not only the responsibility of the school’s janitor, but it is the responsibility of everyone as members of school such as students, teachers, and also staff at the school. We all must involve in keeping our school environment clean. We act as if we do not know that this condition would endanger our own health. The piling up of rubbish can cause various diseases such as dengue disease because rubbish heap could be the breeding place of the dengue mosquitoes, and any other dangerous and deadly desease. 

Ladies and gentleman …
Let’s take other countries as example. One of the country is Singapore, one of ASEAN member which has the majority of their inhabitant are christian. Especially compared with Europe countries which most of the people arenot moslem.  In every corner of their schools, hygiene is absolutely secure. But, now let’s see our beloved country which has the majority of inhabitant are moslem. In every school, garbage strewn everywhere. The facilities already polluted with many abandoned food and rubbish. Health and clean school is still just a dream.
Whereas, Islam is a religion that is concerned about cleanliness. Our prophet Muhammad said in hadits:


“Cleanliness is half of faith”

But, if we consider this only a proverb without any action, we should be embarrassed by other countries in the world which most of inhabitans are not moslem. 
Where is our soul of Islam? The soul that always obeys the command of Allah and His Messenger. God said in the Qur’an :

Ø¥ِÙ†َّ اللَّـهَ ÙŠُØ­ِبُّ التَّÙˆَّابِينَ ÙˆَÙŠُØ­ِبُّ الْÙ…ُتَØ·َÙ‡ِّرِينَ 

“indeed, Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly, and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.”

Ladies and gentleman …
The cleanliness of our environment depends on our awarness. Creating clean, healthy and beautiful environment is our responsibility. It’s time for us to change the negative stigma about madrasah that is always considered as unclean and unhealthy education institution. So, let’s create and keep our school clean. Remember, keeping cleanliness is obeying God.

Ladies and gentleman …

That’s all my speech. Thanks for your best attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


It was created for English Speech Competition (Aksioma 2016) in Bekasi
Although I didn't get the "trophy"
But I was glad because God had given me a chance to be around the amazing people
And I won't to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to my amazing teacher ever
Mr. Bram

Wish you all the best and May God bless you

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